"The empty vessel makes the loudest sound."

William Shakespeare

José Basto - Consultor Audiovisual

Hi, I'm José Basto 

Audiovisual Consult


Let me put at your company's disposal twenty years of experience in audiovisual installations of the most diverse levels and dimensions.

My goal is to be the reference in what I do. I deliver customized and architecturally integrated audiovisual facilities, always with a commitment of authenticity to my personal brand whose ultimate beneficiary is the customer.

See what I do, see a little of what I've done. Next, let's talk.


"The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination."

Albert Einstein

What I do

Help yourself to my services



Specialized advice on the audiovisual solutions and equipment that best suit your needs.


Planning, drawing, technical documentation
and work follow-up.


Customized architectural integration of sound, image, lighting and integrated control systems.


Occasional and preventive maintenance of new and existing audiovisual installations.


"You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view."

Harper Lee

Reference Images

Sound and Image Installations

A small sample of lighting and sound integration in different architectural environments. Click or tap to zoom in.


  • Casa da Cerveja - Audiovisuais
  • Casa da Cerveja - Audiovisuais
  • Projecção a 360
  • Projecção a 360
  • Board Room - Integração de Sistemas
  • Integração de Sistemas Audiovisuais
  • Central Multimedia
  • Domótica
  • Som Ambiente Customizado
  • Audiovisuais em Hotel Monumental
  • Som Ambiente com Colunas Invisíveis
  • Cinema em Casa Invisível
  • hi-fi-room-01.jpg
  • home-cinema-02.jpg


"One of the most beautiful qualities of true friendship is to understand and to be understood."


Partner Brands 

We are together

When working with these brands I establish an intimate and symbiotic relationship for maximum customer benefit.



"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."

Eleanor Roosevelt


mobile. +351 939 031 315

phone. +351 220 930 726

skype. jfbasto


rua 28 de Janeiro, 350 B28
4400-996 vila nova gaia | Portugal

Let's talk

That's how we can understand each other.

